Kentucky Small Grain News

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Wheat Growers Applaud USDA’s Decision to Include All Classes of Wheat Into CFAP

Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a second round of coronavirus relief payments which extends eligibility to additional classes of wheat. The new $14 billion package now covers producers of all classes of wheat. These add to the durum and hard red spring (HRS) wheat classes which were covered under the first round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).

“Kentucky Small Grain Growers thank Secretary Perdue and his staff for taking our feedback these past several months and expresses great appreciation for making producers of all classes of wheat eligible for CFAP payments,” said Laura Knoth, KySGGA Executive Director. “This relief comes at a much-needed time when producers are being hit with depressed prices resulting in part from the effects of COVID-19. Futures prices have dropped more than 12% since beginning of 2020 until early August.”

Originally, the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) provided important assistance for only hard red spring and durum wheat farmers, which are not produced in Kentucky. Soft Red Winter wheat producers are now eligible to receive assistance through CFAP on 2020 production.

“Our efforts to continually update our Congressional Members on this issue finally paid off, and our voices were heard. We were able to demonstrate the need for this change and make it happen for our producers,” continued Knoth.

CFAP Fact Sheet

PolicyJennifer Elwell